Different Types of Motion Detection Alarms Available in the Market

Motion detection alarms you automatically receive notification when someone enters a certain area. This could be your home, workplace, apartment, etc. This is what’s termed as active sensing sensors:. Passive infrared: this is the most widely utilized kind when it comes to lighting motion sensors.

It is very important for security system to have motion sensors. Passive infrared is not effective and is often ignored by criminals because of its high-pitched frequency that cannot be heard by humans. For this reason, it is often combined with the active types such as the infrared and ultrasonic sensors. Together, they are referred to as multi-sensors or’multi-sensor systems’.

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Some modern day security systems also include the use of heat sensor in addition to the other above-mentioned motion detection sensors. Heat sensor is effective in detecting heat movement. The movement can be detected from human skin temperature to body heat. Heat sensing allows homeowners to arm their home security system even if their children are sleeping on the beds. And, for added protection, the homeowner can arm and disarm the home security system even without coming in direct contact with the device.

On the other hand, passive infrared sensor uses a different type of method to detect heat: heat patterns. Heat patterns are constantly changing and detecting them is not a hundred percent sure that a burglar broke into the house. Also, it is only effective in detecting heat that has been traveling through air. Therefore, it is mostly used to detect low levels of heat emanating from electrical appliances or from moving objects such as the sun’s rays, car engines, and so on.

The last type of motion sensor alarms available in the market is the passive infrared motion sensor alarms. Unlike its counterpart, this kind of security system uses radio waves to detect motion. Radio waves cannot be heard by an intruder unless he comes in close range. So, while the passive motion sensor alarms works through radio waves, it is ineffective in detecting high levels of motion. However, if a homeowner uses a combination of two or more types of motion sensors to detect motion, it becomes less ineffective.

There are several types of motion detectors, including ultrasonic sensors, microwave ovens, radio waves, and microwaves. The most effective way to detect motion is through the use of microwaves. These devices detect movement through radio waves and are capable of detecting even the smallest movements that are invisible to the human eye. Due to this property, microwaves are the best option for most people looking for the best protection for their homes.